Mittwoch, 01.05.2024 23:15 Uhr

Santa Marta Group

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome/Vatican , 19.05.2022, 16:02 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 10544x gelesen

Rome/Vatican [ENA] Today Pope Francis received in audience the Santa Marta Group which brings together the leaders of various law enforcement agencies, governmental, civil and religious organizations to share skills, experiences and best practices in order to prevent and fight against human trafficking and against modern forms of slavery. Pope Francis thanked the Santa Marta Group for the commitment in seeking to eradicate

this criminal activity that violates the dignity and the rights of men , women and children leaving long-lasting effects upon individual victims and the broader society. In the years since its establishment, the Santa Marta Group has devoted itself to fostering an ever greater understanding of the scope and nature of human trafficking and to strengthening cooperation on the international, national and local levels so that effective ways to end this scourge may be found and that its victims may receive needed care, both physically and spiritually. The Santa Marta Group, led by the President Cardinal Vincent Nichols held a press conference at the Vatican Radio Headquarters in Palazzo Pio, Rome.

Cardinal Nichols was accompanied by Steve Francis, Homeland Security Investigation USA, by Judge Nambuye (Kenya), Juan Carlos Hernandez (Chief of Police Argentina) and by the Group number two Kevin Hyland. Unfortunately, modern forms of slavery continue to spread, even in the most developed areas of the world. The fight against trafficking in human beings must take greater account of a wider range of realities, such as the responsible use of technology and social media and the need for a renewed ethical vision of political, economic and social life, centered not on the profit but on people. This is an extremely difficult job because it is essential to support, accompany and reintegrate victims of human trafficking in the communities

of arrival and to assist them in the process of recovery and recovery of their self-esteem. There is an international network of evil engaged in the monstrous trafficking of human beings which must be countered by a new network of good that can defend the dignity of man. The Santa Marta Group is committed to cooperating with law enforcement agencies and states to confiscate the "bloody money" that enriches organized crime and the "white-collar workers" who manage it.

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